About Us

Our Approach

1stHealthy.com, based on AppHalo.io, was born after years of experience with the medical and technology sectors. We watched other industries benefit from online booking software, but nothing similar was being made for public health, so we built 1stHealthy.

Our Story

Based in Van Morrison’s old office in the heart of historic Bath, England, we are a team of professionals who have been building business software and offering professional services for over 70 man years.

Small print

By using 1stHealthy you agree to our terms and conditions, which you can find here: Terms and Conditions

In brief: play fair with us and we’ll play fair with you,  treat users fairly, stay legal, we need to be paid for use of our software, and otherwise most things are negotiable.

And you can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy

Again, in brief: your data is yours, the patients’ data is theirs, we can’t market to you or your patients without express permission. 

1stHealthy is a division of Lifejak Ltd, Company No. 09393869, VAT ID 213 9030 44